Mud-Dev2 no more (again)

Being sick at home, I thought I’d do some reading and tried to access the Mud-dev archives. Lo and behold, my browser couldn’t find A couple minutes of checking and I found out the domain has been registered with which in turn has been delisted by ICANN. ICANN has a customer FAQ out on their blog.

I have to say Mud-dev is badly out of luck. The original list and it’s archives were destroyed by a server blowing up and now that Mud-dev2 had gotten up to speed, the site provider explodes.

I sent email to Nick Koranda who’s maintaining the list, hope he gets the site up and running quicly. On the short term, I guess we’ll have to forget about the domain as Registerfly doesn’t appear to be very cooperative in their customers getting hold of their domains.

ScummVM for Wii!

This is a happy day. ScummVM has been ported to Gamecube / Wii. Assuming I can use the Wiimote to point at the menus, this is the perfect solution to playing the classic Scumm games. Monkey Island, here I come!

Coming to think of it, if the current rights holder bought the port and released a CD with, say, Monkey Islands, to Wii, I’d be a happy camper and buy the package immediately. The old Lucasarts adventure games are to me pretty Wii-esque in their humor and design philosophy (you can’t die) so that’d be a perfect match.

(Via Slashdot)

Adventure with Adobe's Reader

I had to fill in a PDF form using Adobe’s Reader and had problems with the file. My copy of the Reader application complained it was older than what the document was intended for so I decided to update the app. Here’s how not to implement software updates. I guess this could be called a “install a Reader Update Game”.

  1. Started up Reader 6.0, updater pops up and tells me to update to 6.0.6
  2. After installing the update, Reader starts up and tells me I should install update to 7.0
  3. 7.0 installer wants to quit some applications while it updates. After it’s done, I get recommended I should install updates to versions 7.0.5, 7.0.7, 7.0.8 and 7.0.9. I now have 6.0.6 and 7.0 installed.
  4. Instead of installing all the updates, the 7.0.5 installer creates a new Reader copy named Reader and stops the update process. I now have versions 6.0.6, 7.0 and 7.0.5 installed.
  5. Updater now recommends I install critical security updates to versions 7.0.7, 7.0.8 and 7.0.9.
  6. After the update, the application’s name is still Reader 7.0.5, Finder also claims it’s that version but Reader thinks it’s 7.0.9. The updater application still wants to install the “full” 7.0.7, 7.0.8 and 7.0.9 updates. Trying to update the software fails since the updates aren’t compatible with the semi-updated installation.
  7. Decided to give up and go to to download the latest version which turned out to be version 8!
  8. Downloaded the downloader which fired up a Reader Download Manager which fired up the installer.
  9. Reader 8.0.0 installed, just one update left anymore. I now have Reader 8.0.0 with Language Support. Threw the three old versions to trash. Reader now actually works and is pretty fast.

The question remains, why didn’t the first update notification tell me version 8 was available? In my view the process took seven (long) steps too many.

Joi's Leica is IR sensitive

I used to own a Canon G3 camera which was pretty sensitive to infrared light. You can shoot pretty amazing shots with an IR sensitive camera and an IR filter that only lets the infrared spectrum through.

Joi Ito blogged about his Leica M8 being IR sensitive and a bit jokingly he’s created an Leica M8 Magenta Madness group in Flickr. I’d suggest Joi go even further and get an IR filter and try to use the IR sensitivity as a feature.

Even with the little IR photography that I did, a whole new world was opened to me. I suddenly had a new type of vision which was pretty cool. Coming to think of it I guess I’ll go and try if my 30D is capably of any IR shots. I recall Canon’s new IR filters are pretty aggressive but there’s hoping.

Ferrofluid sculptures

I never did art myself (although I do photography pretty actively) and have sometimes wondered what kind of art I’d do if I did, especially when I bump to such beautiful projects as the Morpho Towers project. Watch the video for an amazingly beautiful shape-shifting sculpture.

I hope the sculpture comes to an exhibit to Finland at some point. I think I could sit and watch that for hours, wondering about the physics that make the piece work.

(Via Boing Boing)

EMI to sell music on iTunes without DRM


EMI and Apple just announced DRMless iTunes music sales. Instead of 99 cents for 128kbit/s AAC with DRM, you will soon have an option to pay 1.29 cents for 256kbit/s AAC that’s not crippled.

When questioned if this will cut iPod sales (not being vendor locked on the music), Steve Jobs said he doesn’t see the connection as most music in iPods originates from CDs anyway.

I’m very, very happy to see this happen. And hoping this will work out for them. In fact, I’ll even go as far as purchase something from EMI when this goes live. If EMI gets to boast record sales as a result of them doing this, other companies will follow.

EMI’s press release
Apple’s press release

Scandinavian Airlines flips the finger to frequent fliers

Given that airlines sell most of their tickets online nowadays, I’m awe at how badly SAS can screw up their Internet experience for the end users. The the following screenshot I just took on flight reservation system:

SAS’s site changed it’s URL and for some reason my username doesn’t work anymore. Since I use the system keychain, I know exactly which username used to work a couple weeks ago so I doubt I’m at fault. Also the fact that I tried a wrong username/password combination _once_ locks out the account so I can’t request a new password even with SMS. This means they expect that someone trying my username means someone’s stolen my phone which is just insane. They do list out a phone number I can call but that’s tomorrow and presumably there’s a queue so I’m not exactly thrilled.

Links to Help section show me a “page not found” error. I used to be an ex-gold card holder, I guess I’m an ex-flyer now.

YouTube Video Awards 2006

YouTube’s Video Award winners are now out. Google News clocks ar 320 articles which is pretty good. The first winner video has 13.5 million views already. Pretty good!

I find it interesting as a phenomena that a new company can pop up in the Internet and challenge existing giants to the point where they want to kill you, no matter how much it costs. I’d love to see some figures about whether the YouTube awards created more buzz among regular Internet users than the Oscars. I’m sure YouTube will publicize numbers at some point so while waiting for those, here’s two clips:

My favorite video of the winners is the Kiwi!. Even though it’s listed as the “most adorable” entry, I found it deeply sad but somehow inspirational.

The video actually reminded me of the Extreme Trainsurfer video. I’m at loss when trying to pick words to describe this clip. And am inspired by the fact that we have a medium to spread content like this. With TV, I’d not have seen this in the first place and especially would not be blogging this video in a way that you can read this. “You can only be free… when you have nothing to lose.”