These are things I’ve found interesting between November 20th through November 22nd:
Author Archives: Sulka
Bookmarks for November 18th through November 19th
These are things I’ve found interesting between November 18th through November 19th:
Bookmarks for November 16th from 08:45 to 08:45
These are things I’ve found interesting for November 16th from 08:45 to 08:45:
- Christian Gaming Zone: Minecraft – And who says games don't have deep meaning. ;-) It makes me realize that Minecraft is the perfect antidote to a decade of FPS "Shoot minorities in the head" bad PR.
- The art of connection, contribution, & change – Helpful reminder that making my game is not about beating my competition, but about connecting with the people who play my: "A contribution is never about us—it’s always about them. We show respect for them by being well prepared. We show we care by sharing a bit of ourselves and a small part of our own humanity. Do not allow yourself to get bogged down in a haze of self-doubt and worry about whether or not you are good enough. To win or to lose is not the point."
Bookmarks for November 12th through November 15th
These are things I’ve found interesting between November 12th through November 15th:
- The REAL ‘Stuff White People Like’ « OkTrends – OkCupid's research on people's preferences based on race.
- Not an MMO anymore –
Bookmarks for November 11th through November 12th
These are things I’ve found interesting between November 11th through November 12th:
Bookmarks for November 9th through November 10th
These are things I’ve found interesting between November 9th through November 10th:
- In-Depth: Ed Fries Argues For The Artistic Necessity Of Constraint – Love this sentiment. Much of what we are doing with Spry Fox is centered around the idea of constraints. More specifically, we are picking design constraints that allow us to create deep, highly playable games rapidly and at low cost. This path is open to everyone, but it takes an iron will to actually execute within the boundaries.
- The McGurk Effect –
Bookmarks for November 7th through November 8th
These are things I’ve found interesting between November 7th through November 8th:
Bookmarks for November 1st through November 3rd
These are things I’ve found interesting between November 1st through November 3rd:
- The LOLapps Saga Continues — Facebook Blocks Its Access to Communication Channels – It is a slippery slope from playing the cop to playing the gatekeeper. The spectrum:
Facebook = Police Cop
iOS = Church Cop
Publisher = Gatekeeper
1st Party Platform = Dictator.When selecting platforms it is a matter of picking the least deadly poison since they are all laced with anti-developer vileness deep in their platform-centric DNA.
- A Look at Trends in Social Games’ User Ratings on Facebook – Quality matters. In the bigger picture, game developer who spit on social games are spitting on a baby who is showing evidence that they are rapidly growing up.
- Robots steadily replacing middle class jobs –
- Exclusive: Apple, Google Are Sniffing Around Mobile Payments Startup BOKU –
Bookmarks for October 29th through November 1st
These are things I’ve found interesting between October 29th through November 1st:
- Typewriter Hacked To Play <em>Zork</em> –
- Game Development Budgets –
- 57 things I’ve learned founding three companies – I particularly like #33.
Bookmarks for October 28th from 13:06 to 16:46
These are things I’ve found interesting for October 28th from 13:06 to 16:46: