Philips Brilliance CT

Daily Mail has a story about new Philips CT scanner that can produce awesome full-body scans of the whole body in a minute (via Gizmodo).

The machine costs $2 million which sounds like a big sum but I realized it actually isn’t that much. For example, the city of Helsinki is considering building a massive drive-through tunnel under the city where the latest projected cost (that I heard) was 750 million Euros. $2 million is measly 1.35 million euros which means that at the cost of the tunnel, you could purchase 200 of these machines (271 million euros), then use, say, 350 millions to build a massive scanner complex and then spend 130 million on hiring people to man the machines. (Obviously you’d need to invest a lot more to pull this off but humor me here.)

At 10 people / machine / hour for 7 hours a day, 300 days a year the entire population of Finland could be scanned in about 15 months.

A system like this would more or less completely eliminate surprises from cancers and various blood clots, which in turn would probably save a hell of a lot of money on the long run.

Given that this would be possible to pull off already now, I guess full body CT for all will happen in 10-15 years, when the scanners have dropped significantly in price. Can’t wait to see what I look inside! :D

Habbo News

Whew, we finally put Release 18 out in UK Habbo. This is a pretty massive release, the website is fully redesigned and there’s a new system for the avatars. Users seem to like it which is excellent news. It’ll go out in other countries as it stabilizes.

In other news, the Netherlands Habbo got the local police to round up a few guys who’d been distributing keyloggers with the sole purpose of stealing items in Habbo. Made the news in Reuters so might be you’ve seen this. I’m happy that police is finally understanding that stealing furniture might be a crime. As the news says, the one dude got around 4000 EUR worth of stuff.

Update: BBC picked the story.

N95, it's what computers have become

I just had a revelation on what’s wrong with Nokia’s smartphones right now. It’s not the phones as such, the technology is very cool – it’s the way Nokia thinks about the phones which then reflects to the customer experience.

My N95 broke during the Austin GDC (screen went blank for no obvious reason) so I had to take the phone to service. I couldn’t backup the phone without the screen so the service order had “Do not delete data” written in VERY LARGE type. So, obviously when I got the phone back a month later, the software had been upgraded and all data was wiped, including all contacts, photos, messages, installed apps, the lot. For some reason the new software only includes butt-ugly hard to use visual themes, too, so I hate my phone now.

You’re probably nodding and thinking “Yeah, that tends to happen when your phone is serviced” and that’s exactly what’s wrong with the phone industry! Nokia is selling N95 with the slogan “It’s what computers have become” so I expect them to treat my phone like it’s a computer. If I take my laptop to the service, I wouldn’t imagine the service people would format the hard drive and tell me I should be happy that they upgraded the OS version. That just doesn’t happen.

So, challenge to Nokia. Try to change the mind set of everyone dealing with your customers to treating the phones like they’re computers. This means quick service and absolute no loss of your customer’s data.

Update: I found a positive side effect of the software update – the GPS now suddenly works. It used to take up to 30 minutes for the phone to get a lock under an open sky, now the locks seem to happen in under 30 seconds.

Market price differences

Sometimes, I just get pretty pissed off by market prices differences. I’d like to get the Canon EF 24-70 f/2.8 lens but guess what – the Finnish average price is around 1550 euros ($2200 US) while the US price in the better web stores is $1130.

That’s a frickin’ 100% price increase for Finns! Even if I account for the 22% tax here, that’s still a massive price difference. I bet the local Canon representatives are happy but I’m just feeling screwed.

Incidentally the same goes for Garmin GPS units where the better ones cost around 150% more here than in US. Apple used to do the same but I have to give them some kudos for actually adjusting their prices in the last couple years.

Daily WTF

If you do programming and like The Office or Dilbert, you might enjoy Daily WTF, a “blog” about programming brainfarts, some of which explain the weird issues found in software. Part of the series is screenshots of funky error messages and views.

The reason I’m writing this I just saw something pretty funny. I just tried to reserve time to get my car’s tires changed to the winter tires – check the date for my reservation schedule.

I think people used to have carts with horses back then.

Jaiku vs Twitter

For one reason or the other, Jaiku and Twitter have been compared a lot, probably due to people not having tried Jaiku’s mobile application. I think the winner of the battle for microblogging dominance was announced yesterday, as Google acquired Jaiku for non-disclosed amount.

I’m certain Google the due diligence on both companies and figured where the beef was. Having used both services, I think the reason Twitter’s been more popular is the free text messages. Incidentally I’ve had access to free texting also on Jaiku (knowing a founder helps) and when that’s turned on, Twitter just seems like a sorely lacking version of all the niceties Jaiku’s had.

Reading the congratulatory thread on Jyri’s announcement Jaiku is reveals half of the reason I think the deal happened. It’s the people who’ve jumped aboard and are using the service. Jaiku’s community features people like Randal L. Schwartz and Tim O’Reilly and at least to me, that’s a pretty powerful statement about the service.

Incidentally someone on the thread is wondering why the company wasn’t sold to Nokia. If I had to guess, I think Nokia wasn’t interested in purchasing Jaiku, or if they were, offered much less than Google. Looking at Google’s acquisition history, they know how to value communities. Looking at what Nokia is doing, they’re still in the level of thinking they can just clone up technology and the community will happen, similar to the recent comments from Steve Ballmer. Of course, I hope I’m wrong and that there was a bloody battle which lead to Jyri getting a bigger wad of dough. :)

Get Halo 3, lose your Xbox

Heh, just heard an odd conversation at the office. People have been rushing to get Halo 3’s and were happily expecting to go play at home last night. So what happens? One guy had his Xbox overheat and disasterously fail two minutes into the game. Other one had his Xbox drive break an hour into the game. I guess I’ll have to go ask the other Haloers how they’re faring.

It gets funnier though, the Microsoft Xbox hotline had already re-recorded their voicemail message. “As you might understand, please expect extended delays on service due to Halo 3 coming out.”

Virtual worlds on consoles

Virtual World News posted a bit with title Habbo’s Sulka Haro Says Virtual Worlds Won’t Work for Consoles.

I didn’t quite expect that title based on the article but yeah, I’m pretty skeptical of how the PS3 Home end up being adopted by PS3 owners. However I didn’t quite mean to specifically target Home as such. Looking at MMOs in general, I think player to player communication is key to creating a successful world. On consoles, most people won’t bother to hook up an extender cable to a USB keyboard so any game trying to motivate people do that is going to have adoption issues.

I also don’t believe voice will cut it either. Sure, we’re starting to have somewhat realistic filtering that’ll change what you sound like but that doesn’t mean a fifteen year old would still sound like a 40 year old paladin. So, if you’re working on a world where people actually have characters with roles, voice communication probably won’t be applicable to your game. Voice just might work for Home though, if the main point to go there is to meet your real-file friends. Just don’t expect to make too many new friends.

So, I believe consoles are inherently at disadvantage when it comes to MMOs. Someone please prove me wrong! :)